Zeynep Okçu Ballet School expands its repertoire and successfully carries out its mission of promoting ballet to wider audiences by means of the performances staged at the end of every school year. As the first ballet school in Turkey to stage the entire ballet of “Sleeping Beauty” which is one of the most prestigious and difficult works among the global ballet repertoire, in the first year of its establishment, Zeynep Okçu Ballet School started to stage its own original repertoire that consisting of ballets pieces with original librettos and choreographies in addition to the well known world classics.
Our school has also staged performances in historical Bodrum Castle during 1st and 2nd Bodrum International Festivals. We have recently hosted the German Ballet Academy “Dance Center No. 1” and staged the ballet premier of “Bridge” under Turkish-German co-production. Our school also stages performances abroad every year. Until now, we staged performances in United States, France, China, South Africa, Latvia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Czeck Republic, Scotland, Sweden and Germany. Please click here for details of our international achievements. In addition to these performances that are staged with a highly professional approach, our school also participates in different events conducted in our city. The most important of these events is the April 29th World Dance Day celebrations that have become a local tradition. Our students share the enthusiasm of dance with dancers from all over the world during this festival conducted in the atmospheric open air stage of historical Bodrum Castle, Oasis or Bodrum Antic Theatre.